OASIS: LED Controller / LEDコントローラー

⑥ OASIS LEDコントローラー

  OASIS: LED Controller

OASISシステムの照明光源としてMightex社 Polygon400またはMightex社 BioLEDシリーズ光源をお考えの方に最適なLEDドライバーを用意しております。


OASIS Compatible BioLED Controller Summary Chart

 LED Controller Model Manual Software Analog TTL
 BLS-1000-2 / BLS-3000-2 / BLS-13000-1
 BLS-SAxx-US / BLS-PLxx-US + BLS-PAD-000
 BLS-1000 / BLS-3000 / BLS-13000 + BLS-IO04-US

OASIS Compatible LED Controllers Overview

If customers are using Mightex LED illuminations source either with a Polygon400 patterned illuminator or for wide-field illumination then Mightex's BioLED controllers can be used to complete the system. Mightex offers a diverse portfolio of LED drivers that allow users to operate LEDs in several ways including (1) manual knobs (2) analog input (3) TTL signals and (4) PC software via USB. Users can also add in Mightx’s digital I/O box and use it with a manual/analog to control LEDs with all four (4) methods mentioned above.